Data Cabinets, Server Racks and Data Rack Accessories
If you are looking for Data Cabinets & Server Racks, you’ve come to the right place. We supply a range of IT racks, rack cabinets and server cabinets from leading suppliers like Wideband, APC and others. These data cabinets are designed to accommodate a range of IT platforms, from small business to enterprise and government solutions.
Ready to go right out of the box.
Most of our data racks come fully featured straight from the supplier. If you require further customisation for your purchase we carry an extensive range of doors, shelves, panels, rails, cable management, chimneys, fans, fan trays, power distribution units, captive plugs. They can be found in the Data Cabinet Accessories section.
Our Server Racks are designed to meet your serious data installation needs. They are perfect for network infrastructure, servers, security, AV, comms, or other important applications. Our range of Data Racks offers a wide array of features, and represent outstanding value for the serious data professional.
With efficient twice daily dispatch, SKS Distribution Australia delivers these quality server racks Australia wide.